In today’s world, protection is needed to keep your business ahead threats . dartalis is the right partner with a team of highly qualified engineers next to you that listens and understands your needs. The one specialised partner who constantly supports you in improving your security posture.

dartalis is an independent company offering its services and solutions in the Information Security field in Luxembourg for more than 22 years. Today solutions integrated and maintained by dartalis protect already more than 100.000 business users in total.

As a regional leader focused on information security and networking, dartalis offers a wide range of services and solutions. Together with you, we improve your mission critical infrastructure, be it on premise, in the cloud or hybrids
dartalis provides services for:
– architecture and design advisory
– technology integration
– support and maintenance services

As an independent company dartalis has developed long-terms partnerships with many manufacturers, with goal of providing the best advice and solutions to its customers. We are not linked to any particular technology or manufacturer and as such dartalis maintains strategic alliances with a large number of players. In order to maintain a high level of innovative services over the long term, dartalis supports the evolution of your cybersecurity journey over time in a market space where new players are emerging and others are disappearing regularly.



Our services are delivered from our office in Contern, allowing us to reach you in a short elapse of time.

dartalis believes in the power of employees’ diversity and respect their ingenuity that
translate client expectations into reality and maintain us as a trendsetter. dartalis employees are the true differentiators. We have built a trusted   partnership with our customers throughout the last 22 years.

 Currently, the dartalis team is composed of 25 members, including 15 information security consultants who have the knowledge and expertise to provide highly qualified services and advice. Our consultants have varying levels of experience, but all have worked for numerous years in the field    of information security.


 Over the years, dartalis has affirmed its identity by establishing the following values:

Customer satisfaction – We focus our efforts on total customer satisfaction.
We strive to exceed expectations.
Flexibility & proximity – We focus our efforts on total customer satisfaction.
We strive to exceed expectations.
Innovation – We stay ahead of the competition by providing innovative and
cost-effective solutions to your complex problems.


In a nutshell, based on best practice and complying with standards and regulations,
our team has the tools, skills 
and experience to help you build, manage and maintain an effective and flexible enterprise security architecture.


25 employees in Luxembourg


• Enterprise Services
• Network Solutions
• Security Solutions
• Datacenter & Infrastructure Solutions
• IT Training Services



Contact us

Isaak DAYAN - Managing Director

19, rue Edmond Reuter L-5326 Contern


(+352) 267 469 200

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Le 6 février dernier, les professionnels de la cybersécurité se sont donnés rendez-vous à l’European Convention Center Luxembourg à l’occasion du Dartalis Defense Day. Au-delà des préoccupations liées à la cybersécurité, les organisateurs aiment aussi inviter les participants à explorer d’autres horizons. C’est ainsi que Guillaume Néry, célèbre apnéiste français, a partagé son expérience et emporté les participants dans les profondeurs des océans.


Le 6 février prochain se tiendra une nouvelle édition du Dartalis Defense Day à l’European Convention Center Luxembourg. La société luxembourgeoise spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, active depuis 24 ans, y accueillera ses clients et partenaires pour évoquer les enjeux et pistes pour renforcer sa posture de sécurité. L’invité d’honneur de cette édition, qui chaque année permet aux participants d’élargir leur horizon, sera Guillaume Néry, champion du monde d’apnée. Une occasion unique de prendre une bonne inspiration.


Les participants au Dartalis Defense Day ont exploré les nouveaux enjeux en matière de cybersécurité, avec un focus particulier sur l’intelligence artificielle et les possibilités qu’offre la technologie pour renforcer le dispositif de défense. La société luxembourgeoise spécialisée dans le domaine de la sécurité de l’information avait également invité le célèbre explorateur Jean-Louis Etienne, dont le témoignage a contribué à élargir les perspectives.