• Luxembourg, le 16 mai 2024. Les résultats des Luxembourg Cloud Awards 2024 organisés par Cloud Community Europe – Luxembourg ont été révélés pendant le Golden-I gala.

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  • PwC Luxembourg is back with a new episode of the PwC Cybersecurity and Privacy Day podcast series on the five finalists of this year’s pitching contest.

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  • PwC Luxembourg is back with a new episode of the PwC Cybersecurity and Privacy Day podcast series on the five finalists of this year’s pitching contest.

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  • PwC Luxembourg is back with a new episode of the PwC Cybersecurity and Privacy Day podcast series on the five finalists of this year’s pitching contest.

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  • The 17th Journée de l’Economie took place on 26 March 2024 at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. In the presence of Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, and with keynote speeches by Lionel Fontagné, Michele Cincera and Serge Allegrezza, an exceptional number of over 190 participants discussed the theme “Luxembourg's competitiveness: are we still in the race? Seizing the opportunities of global change ”. Two panel discussions enriched the programme and allowed the visitors to raise their questions.

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  • Alors que l’IA s’intègre au cœur des organisations, comment évolue la place de l’humain ? Comment engager les collaborateurs dans une dynamique de création de valeur collective ? Cette thématique sera au cœur du Gala Golden-i 2024, le 16 mai prochain chez PwC Luxembourg. En amont de l’événement, nous avons invité plusieurs Tech Leader à partager leur avis sur ces enjeux. Laurent Pulinckx, CIO et membre du Comité Exécutif de la Bourse de Luxembourg, a répondu à nos questions.

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  • The official project launch of Dataspace 4 Health (Dataspace4Health) was announced, a groundbreaking open ecosystem designed to revolutionise secure and compliant health data exchange in the country and beyond. This innovative initiative aims to transform healthcare by leveraging the power of data while fully adhering to EU regulations and Gaia-X standards. It aligns perfectly to the national and European digital strategies. This collaborative project is led by NTT DATA, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman (HRS), Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), the University of Luxembourg, Agence eSanté, Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) and is co-financed by the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg as part of Luxembourg’s national Gaia-X strategy.

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  • Seizing the opportunities of global change – Register now for the Journée de l’Économie 2024.

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  • Save the date for the upcoming edition of the PwC Cybersecurity & Privacy Day, taking place at the PwC premises in physical form on 5 June 2024! This year's main theme will be: The AI paradox: A blessing or a curse? Call for applications for the pitching contest is already open !

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  • Luxembourg’s Cloud Association is looking for the most inspiring and innovation Cloud Project and start-up of the Year!

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