Business leaders and employees disagree significantly on future of work, reveals new research from NTT

- 79% of organizations believe employees prefer to work in an office – but just 39% of employees would prefer to work from an office full time - CEOs 41% more likely than operations staff to be satisfied with their organization’s employee experience capabilities  - 57% of employees will now select an employer based on work/life balance 

By |2022-02-16T10:05:24+02:0010/11/2021|0 Comments

« Après la crise, le CISO se positionne comme une fonction exécutive »

En clôture des Rencontres de la Sécurité Informatique, Excellium a souhaité donner la parole à deux CISO de la place, Vincent Laurens (Quintet Private Bank) et Lars Weber (BCEE), afin qu’ils évoquent leur fonction à l’ère du COVID et la manière dont ils ont vécu les derniers mois.

By |2022-02-16T10:05:22+02:0009/11/2021|0 Comments

Kyndryl achève sa séparation d’IBM

NEW YORK, le 4 novembre 2021 – Kyndryl a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a finalisé sa scission d’IBM (NYSE: IBM) comme annoncé précédemment et a commencé sa cotation à la Bourse de New York en tant que société indépendante sous le symbole « KD ». Kyndryl a célébré son statut de société indépendante cotée en bourse en sonnant la cloche d’ouverture à la Bourse.

By |2022-01-09T17:18:44+02:0004/11/2021|0 Comments

Banking Trends & Figures 2021 What does ESG mean for banks?

PwC Luxembourg is proud to announce the publication of its Banking Trends & Figures 2021 report: What does ESG mean for banks? The presentation of the market analysis was originally given at a phygital event held on the PwC premises on 26 October 2021. One of the highlights of the event was a key note given by Anders Indset, the Norwegian “Business Philosopher”.

By |2022-02-16T10:05:23+02:0004/11/2021|0 Comments

Where fear is our biggest ally

Marco Houwen has long been the “Internet and Cloud guy” in Luxembourg. His atypical career of more than 20 years in ICT led him onto his path today where he supports leaders at the heart of their entrepreneurial process. He does this as a strategic life coach for senior executives and entrepreneurs. Marco frequently contributes to TransforNation sharing insight and his experience for practicing authentic and holistic leadership in a turbulent, disoriented world. MARCO@ZENTRAPRENEUR.COM

By |2021-11-03T08:00:06+02:0003/11/2021|0 Comments

Avec NEXT, POST veut favoriser l’innovation et la co-création

Le groupe POST a inauguré ce vendredi 29 septembre un nouvel espace dans son bâtiment « Weierbaach », rue Emile Bian. Appelé NEXT, il est destiné à faire émerger des idées innovantes, dans une logique de co-création, et à développer les produits et services de demain.

By |2022-07-07T08:03:44+02:0002/11/2021|1 Comment

Eleni-Lydia Lazaridou nommée EY Young Tax Professional of the Year au Luxembourg

Le concours international EY Young Tax Professional of the Year a pour vocation de récompenser les jeunes talents intéressés par le domaine de la fiscalité, les aider à développer leurs compétences professionnelles et à lancer leur carrière.

By |2022-02-16T10:05:22+02:0002/11/2021|0 Comments

Sopra Steria presents white paper on Open Maas: the future of mobility

With lockdowns behind us and the economy recovering faster than most of us dared to hope for or expect, mobility is quickly becoming top of mind again. From traffic congestion to air pollution: the old mobility issues may have seemed to disappear during the COVID crisis, but they clearly haven’t been resolved yet. In some cases you might even say they’re back with a vengeance. Which makes this an ideal time to put our new mobility solution on the table: Open MaaS (Mobility as a Service).

By |2022-02-16T10:05:21+02:0002/11/2021|0 Comments
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