• Luxembourg, September 24, 2020 – The Luxembourg Cloud Awards 2020 organised by Cloud Community Europe – Luxembourg have been awarded during a special 100% digital 2020 edition of the Golden-i Gala given the current pandemic situation.

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  • Deux après l’entrée en vigueur du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données, Frédéric Vonner, Partner, Privacy Leader au sein de PwC Luxembourg, évoque la manière avec laquelle les organisations ont intégré ces enjeux au cœur de leur activité.

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  • 18 months after the GDPR implementation, PwC Luxembourg thought it was relevant to conduct a second survey to assess where the Luxembourg market stands, how data privacy challenges have been tackled and what changed since the first edition of the survey.

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  • La fin de l'année approche déjà à grand pas, et le temps de l’évaluation est venu pour fixer les ambitions de l’année à venir.

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  • • 26% of respondents consider their company to be mature with regard to data architecture • 28% of respondents say there is a clear and defined strategy for managing data within their company • 23% of companies are currently using AI. The human factor is by far the biggest challenge, the financial factor being

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  • Luxembourg, le 17 mai 2019 – Lors du Gala Golden-i organisé par ITnation qui s’est tenu ce jeudi 16 mai 2019, les Luxembourg Cloud Awards 2019 ont été décernés devant quelques 500 professionels du secteur des TIC.

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  • Luxembourg’s Cloud Association is looking for the most inspiring and innovation Cloud Project and start-up of the Year!

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  • Conducted by the CPSI (College des Professionnels de la Sécurité de l’information) and PwC Luxembourg, the survey shows that, despite being under-represented in management committees (only 13% occupy a seat), a CISO, today, serves as a technical expert with clear business understanding and a risk mindset. The study also shows that 76% of CISO's now hold a full-time position, compared to just 53% two years ago.

    Rise of the CISO: The gradual coming of age of a role and an organisational culture

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  • Depuis leurs arrivées à Luxembourg en 2012, les soirées de recrutement sur présélection ont trouvé leur public. Elles répondent à des besoins précis en recrutement dans des secteurs de plus en plus techniques tels que l’IT ou la Finance… tout en proposant une ambiance décontractée. 

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  • • Meet European and international experts on 18 October 2018 at PwC • Discover eight Cybersecurity next-gen solutions selected from over 50 applications • Gain insights from the latest international trends in cybersecurity • Witness top companies pitch their solutions in a competition • Participate in business matchmaking • Join interactive breakout sessions • Network with peers and industry leaders

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