Presentation of the new Standards Analysis for the Aerospace Sector during the workshop « Technical Standardization in Space and Cybersecurity »
Presentation of the new Standards Analysis for the Aerospace Sector during the workshop « Technical Standardization in Space and Cybersecurity »
June 30, 2023

Identified as a “growth” sector » by the Luxembourg Standardization Strategy 2020-2030, aerospace is a key area for the national economy. Over the past decade, this sector has undergone a shift towards more efficient and less costly development methodologies, resulting in new challenges in terms of cybersecurity. In order to support the Luxembourgish space ecosystem with this new challenge, ILNAS organized a workshop « Technical Standardization in Space and Cybersecurity » on Tuesday, June 27th, 2023.
In order to raise awareness of the Luxembourg space ecosystem, ILNAS organized a workshop « Technical Standardization in Space and Cybersecurity » at the Maison de la Biomédecine II, on June 27th, 2023. Consisting of two successive sessions, this event was introduced by Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert, Deputy Director of ILNAS, who presented the institute, its activities, and also the strategical developments in terms of technical standardization. Then, Mr. François Thill, Cyber Security Director at the Ministry of the Economy, gave a holistic view of cybersecurity challenges, and encouraged space actors in Luxembourg to build on known standards and lessons learned. To conclude this general introduction, M. Jérôme Hoerold, Head of Department of the Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation (ILNAS/OLN), detailed the Policy on Aerospace Technical Standardization (2021-2025).
The first session, aimed at giving the European context to the event’s topic, was opened with a speech from the European Space Agency (ESA). In order to provide a global overview of the subject, M. John Irving, Security Engineering Manager at ESA, showcased a history of cyberattacks, the different possible threats and risks, and concluded by presenting the landscape of standards and available tools which can be used by the space domain.
Following this presentation, M. Marco Marcovina, member of ETSI/TC SES Satellite Earth Stations and Systems, highlighted the cybersecurity issues related to non-geostationary orbit satellites and the lack of normative and legal frameworks in this area.
The second session of this workshop focused on the national context. Dr. Lucas Cicero presented the new version of the Standards Analysis for the Aerospace Sector.
- Solely dedicated to the space sector, with a wide range of applications ;
- Telecommunications ;
- Earth Observation ;
- Technical areas ;
- Systems Engineering, Quality, Safety and Management Processes
Within the framework of the Luxembourg Aerospace Technical Standardization Policy 2021-2025, ILNAS are at the disposal of the national actors of the sector to accompany them in their standardization developments.
For any question or request related to aerospace standardization, you can send an e-mail to the following address: normalisation@ilnas.etat.lu.