Invitation for Exploration of Technology Session – Aspera/IRIS
IRIS Luxembourg is pleased to invite you on 8th october 2015 for a demonstration of IBM ASPERA's solution for High speed secure transfer of multi-GB data sets.
August 31, 2015

IRIS Luxembourg is pleased to invite you on 8th october 2015 for a demonstration of IBM ASPERA’s solution for High speed secure transfer of multi-GB data sets.
Do you have remote subsidiaries, suppliers, business partners, field personnel or customers you have to urgently exchange big digital assets with?
Would you like to know how you could share your information in your inhouse enterprise drop box ?
Would you like to reduce the transfer of a 10 GB file on a TCP/IP network from more than 10 hours to a Few minutes?
IBM ASPERA developed its patented FASP™ transfer protocol to provide a high-speed transfer, security and bandwidth control for data movement. When the size of a file or data set may be too large to be delivered over distance on a TCP/IP network, ASPERA meets tight delivery deadlines by moving the data reliably and securely without impeding other businesscritical network traffic.
• Enables high performance bulk data delivery over long distances and/or low quality WAN environments, including satellite networks.
• Works equally well with ultra large files and ultra large collections of small files
• Provides faster sync between multiple peers at full bandwidth capacity
• Offers mobile apps transferring large files over Wi-Fi and cellular networks at speeds that are up to 100X faster than traditional mobile transfer technologies..
We look forward to welcoming you in this session!
Exploration of Technology session
October 8 – 9h30
I.R.I.S. Luxembourg Ecoparc – SolarWind Rue de l’Industrie,
13, L-8399 Windhof, Luxembourg
09:30 – 10:00 Reception & Coffee
10:00 – 10:45 Presentation of ASPERA
11:00 – 12:00 Live Demonstration
12:00 – 13:30 Walking lunch & open discussion
[button color=”blue” link=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ibm-aspera-high-speed-secure-transfer-of-multi-gb-data-sets-tickets-17570705453″]Register Now[/button]