ILNAS publishes 2 new reports
In the frame of the National Standardization Strategy 2020-2030, ILNAS published on Tuesday November 21, 2023 its new report “Quantum technologies and technical standardization” and the new 2023 edition of the Standards Analysis of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector (ANS TIC). These two documents were presented during a breakfast organized by ILNAS and ANEC GIE on the day of publication.
November 24, 2023

The new report “Quantum technologies and technical standardization” provides an overview of quantum technologies and their related areas. It also addresses the economic implications of quantum technologies and certain challenges linked to their developments. The document presents the concept of technical standardization and explains its crucial role in the advancement of new technologies. Additionally, it highlights the main organizations involved in the standardization of quantum technologies, as well as existing standards and ongoing projects in this area. Finally, while considering the importance of using ad hoc technical standards, the document highlights the possibilities for actively contributing to the development of standards by becoming a national standardization delegate in Luxembourg.
The new 2023 edition of ANS TIC presents an overview of the current work carried out by European and international standardization organizations in the ICT sector. Indeed, this document provides a detailed inventory of technical standardization committees in the field of ICT, aiming to facilitate the identification by national stakeholders of relevant standards and technical committees, in order to support their activities.
Among the topics covered are fundamental elements such as cybersecurity, key tools for the economy such as artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things, societal challenges such as health or education, innovation and the digital single market including Fintech or blockchain, and sustainable development including green ICT or smart cities. The ANS also highlights the products and services offered by ILNAS, with the support of ANEC GIE, so that the market can embrace the field of technical standardization.
The “Quantum Technologies and Technical Standardization” report and the new edition of the ANS TIC were officially presented during a breakfast organized on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023. After an introduction of ILNAS activities in the ICT field, by Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert, deputy Director of ILNAS, Mr. Jérôme Hoerold, head of the ILNAS/OLN department, reiterated the role and activities of the National Standards Body (OLN). The report on quantum technologies was then presented by Mrs. Rim Doukha, project officer at ANEC GIE. Finally, Mr. Nicolas Domenjoud, responsible “ICT and Technical Standardization” within OLN, highlighted the main updates of the new edition of the ANS TIC. The morning concluded with an interactive questions and answers session involving all the participants.
For any questions or requests related to the new report, or standardization in other areas, you can send an email to the following address:
More information…
- Report « Quantum technologies and technical standardization »
- Standards Analysis ICT Sector – November 2023
- Breakfast “Quantum technologies report “ & “ANS TIC” – Presentations
- Luxembourg Standardization Strategy 2020-2030
- Luxembourg Policy on ICT Technical Standardization 2022-2025
- Participate in technical standardization in Luxembourg
- Standardization of the ICT sector in Luxembourg