François Mousel is the new Managing Partner of PwC Luxembourg
PwC Luxembourg announces new Managing Partner, François Mousel, effective following the completion of current Managing Partner John Parkhouse’s eight-year mandate on 1 July 2023.
December 12, 2022

PwC Luxembourg is happy to announce that François Mousel, Markets and Strategy – Clients and Markets Leader of PwC Luxembourg has been voted by the Luxembourg partners as the new Managing Partner. The election occurred on Friday December 9, 2022. François will officially assume the role as of July 1, 2023, at the end of the second four-year mandate served by John Parkhouse, current Managing Partner.
John Parkhouse, Managing Partner at PwC Luxembourg says:
“On behalf of my partners and the entire firm, I would like to congratulate François Mousel on his election as our new Managing Partner, officially starting on July 1, 2023. François has demonstrated his tremendous leadership skills and passion for our firm over many years, and for this he has earned the trust and confidence of our partnership.
I am proud of what we have achieved as a firm and the experience has been immensely rewarding for me.
As the largest professional services firm in Luxembourg by some margin – currently at over 3,100 people – PwC brings an unrivaled diversity of expertise and experience together as one multi-disciplinary firm under our new strategy – The New Equation. This means working as a community of solvers, across all our business lines, to build trust with our stakeholders and to deliver sustained outcomes for our clients. It is this mindset as well as the expertise of our fantastic people that makes us who we are at PwC.
It has been my honour and my privilege to lead such a great firm for the past eight years. With the time left in my role as leader at PwC, the leadership team and I will work closely with François to ensure a smooth transition, which is so important in these uncertain times. Following this, I intend to continue working with PwC and its global network, supporting engagements with clients and the development of the partnership. I have every confidence in François as he steps into this new leadership role to bring PwC to the next level.”
François Mousel, currently Markets and Strategy – Clients and Markets Leader of PwC Luxembourg, joined the firm in 2005 after obtaining a Master’s degree as “Ingénieur de gestion” from Solvay Business School in Brussels. He has a long and successful career, starting in Audit and switching in 2009 as senior advisor to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).
After three years at the CSSF, François rejoined the PwC team in 2013. He became a partner in 2015, managing a diversified audit and advisory engagement portfolio, including high profile commercial companies, public institutions, social care institutions/foundations and private equity firms as well as family businesses. He was a member of the exam jury for “réviseur d’Entreprises” in Luxembourg for more than 10 years. François has also been a member of the Luxembourg Country Leadership Team for the last four years. As Clients and Markets Leader, his main responsibility was to enable the firm’s growth across all our lines of service and across all our industries.
François Mousel, elected Managing Partner as from 1 July 2023, says:
“I am still overwhelmed by the trust expressed by all our partners. PwC has been my professional home since my first day of work in September 2005. As a person, I stand fully behind our values and our relentless commitment to build long standing relationships of trust with our clients and all our important stakeholders. PwC stands for quality and outcomes that are built for the long term. PwC stands for being a role model citizen in our country. I will devote all my energy to serve and help all our partners to be more successful in what they do and lead our firm into the next era of its development. We will also continue to care for our more than 3,000 people. They are delivering on our promises day in and day out. And they are the partners of the future.”
The firm will now enter a period of transition which will conclude by 30 June.