Dual Winners at the LuxBlockHackathon 2017
The DLTeam from Kiev and CryptoLux from Luxembourg share the 1st place.
May 10, 2017

The first LuxBlockHackathon was held on 8th & 9th May 2017 at SnT Luxembourg. Organized by Melufina, a blockchain Think tank created by Radu State (SnT), Evan Schwartz (Ripple) & Frank Roessig (Telindus). Over 50 blockchain coders from Luxembourg, San Francisco, Kiev, London, Paris, Lisbon, Rotterdam, Cologne hacked away on Stellar, Hyperledger, Ethreum, Monero.
During 36-hours, the teams worked on solving a challenge linked to a P2P Asset Exchange that is KYC-compliant by using innovative blockchain-based technology.
The jury composed of Gerard HOFFMANN (Telindus), Marco HOUWEN (InfraChain), David MAZIERES (Stanford University), Melinda ROYLETT (Paypal), Radu STATE (SnT) and Evan SCHWARTZ (Ripple) deliberated to determine two winning teams that developed original and realistic solutions. The president of the jury, Gerard HOFFMANN, stated “how impressed he was by the quality of the solutions presented”.
The winning teams are sharing a 1.5 million Stellar Lumens prize that has been donated by the Stellar Foundation in San Francisco. The DLTeam leader, Pavel Kravchenko of Distributed Lab in Kiev, “appreciated the impeccable organization and thoroughly enjoyed hacking with such strong competitors”; “those two days were an incredible learning experience” added the members of CryptoLux team.
The Hack was followed by diverse blockchain demos (payments, claims & wallets) at which attendees could participate in effecting live blockchain transactions and claim Stellar Lumens
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About SnT
Launched in 2009 by the University of Luxembourg, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)
conducts internationally competitive research in information and communication technology (ICT) creating socioeconomic
impact. In addition to long-term, high-risk research, SnT engages in demand driven collaborative projects with
industry and the public sector, addressing not only technical aspects, but also business, human and regulatory issues
About InfraChain
Infrachain, a public-private initiative, aims at leapfrogging the adoption curve of blockchain by creating a compliant-ready community blockchain infrastructure. A cross-industry effort launched in November 2016 in Luxembourg, Infrachain aims to provide disintermediation services to all aspects of our economy.
About Telindus
Telindus powered by Tango is one of the leaders in converged ICT and telecom services in Luxembourg and provides global solutions to all businesses and public administrations. Its areas of expertise include fixed and mobile telecommunications, ICT infrastructures, cloud and security. Telindus has become “Telindus powered by Tango” to offer increasingly innovative solutions to its customers and enhance their daily relations, while simplifying them.
In support of its customers to assist them in their digital transformation at their own pace, Telindus deploys a broad range of innovative and managed services that meet the specific needs of each of them for a sustainable development of their activities. Telindus generates value-creating solutions and pays particular attention to their return on investment. The Financial Solutions team designs Digital Solutions for the Financial Sector that improve productivity and quality while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks and also enhancing the user experience.
About is a nonprofit organization that supports the Stellar network, a free, open-source network that connects diverse financial systems and lets anyone build low-cost financial services – payments, savings, loans, insurance – for their community. The Stellar network enables money to move directly between people, companies, and financial institutions as easily as email. This interconnectivity means more access for individuals, lower costs for banks, and more revenue for businesses. For more on, visit: