Cybersecurity Breakfast
Your security policy has been defined and implemented, the risks have been analysed, your employees are aware about key cybersecurity measures. However, a cyber attack was successfully performed. How could this have happened ? Probably by exploiting a poorly secured legitimate software.
August 29, 2016
Tuesday September 27th, 2016, From 8:15 am until 10:30 am.
Your security policy has been defined and implemented, the risks have been analysed, your employees are aware about key cybersecurity measures. However, a cyber attack was successfully performed. How could this have happened ? Probably by exploiting a poorly secured legitimate software.
Indeed, the rapid economical growth and the constant need for agility have jeopardized a part of the traditional software development life cycle. Security is not necessarily applied by default when developing systems and applications, which in turns create many opportunities for cybercriminals.
How can this situation be changed? By applying the method of “Do it right First time” and by incorporating the concept of security from the start for each development and not just before the production phase, or worse after the production. What is the advantage of thinking about security early in the design phase? It helps identifying and making corrections in a more efficient and economical way. It is thus necessary to raise awareness about “Security-by-Design”.
Agenda :
8:15 : Registration opens
8:45 : Introduction
8:50 : Keynote by Gauthier Befahy (Scademy) : “Essential security for all”
9:05 : Roundtable “Why is security not applied by default for every software and every development?”
9:40 : Q&A and conclusion
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1273 Luxembourg
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