Cyber Fortress Luxembourg

Luxembourg’s Most Important eSecurity Event of the Year, organized by POST Telecom and ebrc, will be held on September 25th, 2014 8:30 AM, at EBRC’s South Luxembourg Datacentre.

September 1, 2014

Luxembourg’s Most Important eSecurity Event of the Year, organized by POST Telecom and ebrc, will be held on September 25th, 2014 8:30 AM, at EBRC’s South Luxembourg Datacentre.

Maintaining the highest level of eSecurity is now, more than ever, critical to business success. With cyber attacks growing exponentially in number and severity, it’s essential to understand where your business is vulnerable and how you can implement effective protection.


Presentations from eSecurity Experts
Questions and Answers
Private Tour of EBRC Tier IV Datacenter (optional)


Here are some of the things you’ll learn

What are the top 10 business vulnerabilities?
How the location of an online business impacts how you can operate it securely.
Why you need a full set of expert eSecurity resources to protect against internal and external threats.
Why you need a complete eSecurity assessment that covers physical locations, IT operations, application authentication, software coding, Cloud services, connectivity and more.
How to evaluate the technical infrastructure, including datacentres, connectivity and Cloud infrastructure.
How governmental regulatory environment and data privacy policies can enhance or hinder eSecurity.
How to enable safer practices by creating a better software development culture.
Why Luxembourg is Europe’s prime “cyber fortress.”
Register now.

The event will start with breakfast at 8:30 AM. Presentations will follow, with a coffee break mid-morning to allow time for one-on-one discussions with the experts and networking with your peers. Later, cocktails and lunch will give you more time for networking. Then, you’ll have the rare opportunity to get an inside look at how a world-class Tier IV datacentre operates.

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