Blockchain standards and ILNAS reading stations in the spotlight
The application of technical standards - whether for a product under development, a service, or simply the implementation of an internal process - is very helpful to benefit from good practices recognized at the national, European or international levels. The contribution in terms of quality and competitiveness is considerable. However, standards are not often open access. In addition, it is not always easy to find the standards that best apply to you.
December 14, 2020

In order to encourage and facilitate the use of technical standards, ILNAS has set up standards reading stations, such as the one installed at SECURITYMADEIN.LU, which are publicly accessible and allow consultation of all national and international standards (ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC) free of charge. Through a video, ILNAS invites you to discover how to use these reading stations, taking as an example the technical standardization committee ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, which has already published several standards for this growing technology.
Interested in consulting or buying standards?
The standards reading stations installed in Luxembourg allow you to consult in read-only mode standards published by ILNAS, CEN, CENELEC, ISO, and IEC free of charge. You can also purchase these standards from the ILNAS e-Shop.
If you would like to use the reading station installed on ILNAS’ premises, you can make an appointment by phone at (+352) 24 77 43 40 or by e-mail at
Interested in participating in the standards drafting process ?
Luxembourg is already actively participating in standardization work in the field of blockchain and distributed ledgers through its national mirror committee ISO/TC 307, which currently has 14 national standardization delegates. To join these delegates, you can submit a registration request to the Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation (ILNAS OLN). This participation, offered free of charge in Luxembourg, gives the opportunity to actively contribute to the drafting of standards documents and to voice a position in the shaping of future standards from their early stages of development.
For more information, you can contact us by e-mail at or by phone at (+352) 247 743-70. You can also directly contact Dr. Jean Lancrenon, chairman of the national mirror committee for ISO/TC 307, at
For more information
- Purchasing and consulting standards
- ILNAS e-shop
- How to become a national standardization delegate
- Registration form for technical standardization committees
- ICT standardization in Luxembourg
- The national mirror committee for ISO/TC 307
- Work program of the ISO/TC 307 technical standardization committee