Barclays Bank Suisse improves efficiency through using the EMX Message System

Joining the EMX Message System earlier this year, Barclays Bank […]

August 20, 2008

Joining the EMX Message System earlier this year, Barclays Bank (Suisse) SA are yet another intermediary who have seen the benefits of the EMX Message System.

Barclays Bank Suisse, based in Geneva, provides a range of services and products offered by the entire Barclays group.

‘Barclays provides a bespoke service to our clients and we pride ourselves on meeting the needs of individuals, said Stephen Grady, Global Head of Dealing from Barclays. Joining the EMX Message System has enabled us to improve efficiency and quality to our clients and we look forward to building on this in the future.’

‘I am very pleased to welcome Barclays on board the EMX Message System, said
Jane Sidnell, Head of continental Europe at EMXCo. It is brilliant to see the support we gain from the offshore market place and to see EMXCo continue to grow and provide its services in continental Europe.’ The EMX Message System has continued to grow over the last six months and in July 2008 was responsible for routing around 2.0 million messages and over €5.9 billion in funds flow.

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