A retrospect on World Standards Day 2022
On 14 October 2022, ILNAS, the Luxembourg standards body, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, organized a conference to celebrate World Standards Day.
October 19, 2022

On 14 October 2022, ILNAS, the Luxembourg standards body, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, organized a conference to celebrate World Standards Day. It offered participants an overview of the normative developments achieved in the framework of the Luxembourg Standardization Strategy 2020-2030 for the sectors of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), aerospace, and construction, which have been identified as promising for the national economy. They were also able to learn about the progress of the joint ILNAS/University of Luxembourg-SnT research program: “Technical Standardisation for Trustworthy ICT, Aerospace and Construction” (2021-2024). This year’s conference was also punctuated by the awarding of the new “ILNAS Standardization & Innovation Award”.
The conference was introduced with some words of welcome by Professor Dr. Björn Ottersten, Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg. He notably discussed the research work carried out in recent years in the three areas mentioned above in collaboration with ILNAS. He also spoke of the joint projects in terms of education and in particular the Master MTECH “Technopreneurship: mastering smart ICT, standardisation and digital trust for enabling next generation of ICT solutions”.
Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert, Deputy Director of ILNAS, then presented the Luxembourg Standardization Strategy 2020-2030, which fully embraces technical standardization as an inclusive tool for performance and excellence at the service of the economy. He presented the progress made within the four pillars defined in this strategy, which include the promotion of the use of standards and excellence in technical standardization activities in the ICT, construction and aerospace sectors.
Mr. Jérôme Hoerold, Head of the Luxembourg Standards Body (Organisme luxembourgeois de normalisation – OLN), then detailed the tasks assigned to his department. In particular, he explained how to participate actively as a national expert in the process of developing national, European and international standards and showcased the possibilities of purchasing or consulting national, European and international standards in Luxembourg.
Subsequently, Mr. Nicolas Domenjoud, responsible for “ICT and Standardization” within OLN, presented recent normative developments in the framework of sectoral normative policies (ICT, aerospace and construction). For example, he detailed the sectoral standards analyses published by ILNAS, which provide an overview of technical standardization for the three sectors, while encouraging national stakeholders to become actively involved in the standardization process. He also spoke about the technical standardization reports published this year: “Technical Standardization: addressing Cloud Computing challenges and supporting related ICT development” and “Management System Standards: Overview”.
The afternoon continued with a presentation by Dr. Grégoire Danoy (Research Scientist, University of Luxembourg). He looked back on the first edition of the Master MTECH and detailed the different modules offered in the training. He also provided an overview of the 2021-2024 research program conducted by SnT and ILNAS.
Then, after an introduction by Dr. Mohammed Aslwaitti, (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg), the PhD students of the ILNAS-SnT research program presented their research projects: ICT: “Satellite Images Data Marketplace” (Mr. Manuel Combarro Simón), construction: “Building Information Modelling (BIM) and its integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI)” (Ms. Hedieh Haddad), and aerospace: “Swarms of Nano-satellites” (Ms. Maria Hartmann).
The conference concluded with the presentation of the new “ILNAS Standardization & Innovation Award”, the creation of which was explained by Ms. Anika Ley, Project Manager at OLN. The first ever 2022 award was presented to ArcelorMittal’s “High strength steels for the design of steel structures” project (Steligence® and Global R&D), which offers innovative construction solutions using high strength steel for the design of steel structures. The project team has also contributed significantly to the revision of Eurocode 3 to allow the use of these innovative products in the future. Mr. Jean-Marie Reiff, Director of ILNAS and Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert had the pleasure of presenting this trophy to Dr. Marion Charlier who represented ArcelorMittal at the conference.
Finally, Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert thanked, on behalf of ILNAS, all the delegates in standardization who are involved in defending the interests of Luxembourg and contributing to its influence. The participants then gathered around a cocktail to continue exchanging views on standardization and its current and future developments in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
ILNAS and the University of Luxembourg would like to thank all the speakers and participants present at World Standards Day 2022.