AZ-040 – Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell
AinosDécouvrez notre formation AZ-040 - Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell [...]
Découvrez notre formation AZ-040 - Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell [...]
(26-28/11/2024)Les architectures modernes (Progressive Web Apps, I.o.T., ReST everywhere, MicroServices, [...]
This exclusive round table invites CIOs, CTOs, and digital leaders to engage in a peer-to-peer exchange, discussing the specific cloud strategies that work in Luxembourg's regulatory framework. As data privacy regulations evolve, so do the "flavours" of cloud solutions available to businesses. Luxembourg is a highly regulated market, especially for the financial and healthcare sectors, where specific safeguards for cloud services, including guarantees of data sovereignty and localisation, are required.
(27-28/11/2024)The course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn [...]
(27-29/11/2024)La formation TMMi a pour objectif de comprendre l’importance de [...]
On Wednesday, November 27, 2024, ILNAS will organize a training session titled “Quantum technologies and technical standardization,” aimed at describing the fundamental concepts of quantum technologies and presenting the role of technical standardization and relevant standards in this field.
(28-29/11/2024)Kubernetes ou "K8s" est une plate-forme open source permettant d'automatiser [...]
(28-29/11/2024)SoapUI est devenu l’outil incontournable pour la mise au points [...]
(2-4/12/2024)Au cours de cette formation vous apprendrez à déployer, à [...]
(2-3/12/2024)Participants will gain the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed [...]
(2-6/12/2024)The CHFI course will give participants the necessary skills to [...]
(2-4/12/2024)Advanced R course teaches students more sophisticated R skills, including using advanced [...]
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