Rencontres de la sécurité: A day of workshops, networking and conference.

June 16, 2022 @ 08:30 - 22:00
Excellium Services and its partners offer each year an informative and varied agenda to meet the diverse challenges and current trends related to cybersecurity. This event is a whole day which aims to address the current concerns of cybersecurity and encourage exchanges between cybersecurity professionals and leaders.
This new edition will combine meetings, demonstrations, round-table discussions, experience feedbacks, interventions of experts and will address key issues of cyber security in 2022.
Finally, at 6pm, after interesting exchanges and conferences, Excellium organizes a festive and interactive dinner.
Agenda to come!
Event exclusively reserved for partners and end-users. The organization reserves the right to validate the registration.
Inscription : Rencontres de la Sécurité Informatique – 8th edition Billets, Le jeu 16 juin 2022 à 08:30 | Eventbrite