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ILNAS organizes a training course ” AI Standards watch: standards relevant to the proposed AI Act “

June 27, 2024 @ 09:00 - 13:00

Southlane Tower 1 – 5th floor 1, avenue du Swing
Belvaux, L-4367 Luxembourg


June 27, 2024
09:00 - 13:00
Event Category:



Artificial Intelligence is occupying more and more important place in the everyday business activities and can be used for a variety of applications. To set a frame for safe and trustworthy use of AI in Europe, the AI Act was proposed in 2021 and is about to be published now. The legislation suggests a risk-based classification of AI systems and imposes different requirements on them. To facilitate the adoption of the legislation and compliance with it, the European Commission also published a standardization request which should guide the development of European standards in support of the AI ​​Act. The training will explore the AI ​​standardization landscape and its links with the proposed regulatory framework. Particular attention will be given to the work of the European standardization committee, CEN/CLC JTC 21 Artificial Intelligence, which is responsible for the development of the European standards in support of the legislation. Thus, participants will be able to learn more about relevant standardization activities and, if necessary, plan their involvement in standards’ development.

Date: 27/06/2024

Trainers: Mrs. Emilia Tantar, Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer, Black Swan LUX S.A. She is also currently acting as a President of Luxembourg National Mirror Committee Standardisation on AI and a Convenor of CEN/CLC JTC 21/WG 2 “Operational aspects”

Mrs. Natalia Vinogradova, Head of standardization department, ANEC GIE.



Information & Registration




Target audience:

IT or non-IT professionals with basic knowledge of AI.

Learning outcomes and objectives:

  • Understanding the current AI standardization landscape
  • Through the standardization request, identify the links between the requirements of the European regulation on AI and existing standards
  • Get to know the concept of conformity assessment based on standards
  • Be able to plan your involvement in the standardization process


  • Overview of AI standardization landscape
    1. Overview of AI standards development organizations
    2. Overview of topics covered by AI standards
  • Introduction to the AI Act and Standardization Request
    1. Overview of legal requirements from the AI Act
    2. Need for AI related standards identified in Standardization Request
    3. Mapping from standardization requirements to the existing standards and standardization projects
  • Conformity assessment and AI standards: a few examples
    1. ISO/IEC 22989:2023 Information technology – Artificial intelligence – Artificial intelligence concepts and terminology
    2. prCEN/CLC/TR 17894 Artificial Intelligence Conformity Assessment
    3. ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Information Technology – Artificial intelligence – Management system
    4. Other relevant standards
  • Standards development process
    1. Standards types and development phases
    2. How to contribute to or to follow up on standards development in Luxembourg


A certificate of participation issued by ILNAS, a recognized training organization, will be provided at the end of the course.

Time: 9.00am -1.00pm



Southlane Tower 1 – 8th floor

1, avenue du Swing

L-4367 Belvaux

Price: 400 € excluding VAT

Language: English

Maximum number of participants: 10

Registration deadline: 20/06/2024

The training session could be canceled or postponed if the number of registrations does not reach the required minimum.

In case of unexcused absence or if a registration is canceled without prior notice within 48 hours before the training workshop, we reserve the right to temporarily deny access to our future events or trainings to the individuals concerned.

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