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ILNAS organizes a breakfast presentation of its new white paper « Digital Trust 4.0 – Trust-Enabling Missions for the Digital Market »

December 14, 2023 @ 09:00 - 12:00

Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity
122 rue Adolphe Fischer
Luxembourg, L-1521 Luxembourg


December 14, 2023
09:00 - 12:00
Event Category:

The increasing digitalization of our society makes it all the more crucial for stakeholders to have trust in the products and services they use. This digital trust has many facets, such as ensuring that digital data is properly protected, that online contacts are properly authenticated, and that the products and services involved are reliable and secure. Against this backdrop, ILNAS has prepared a new white paper entitled “Digital Trust 4.0 – Trust-Enabling Missions for the Digital Market”, outlining some of its legal missions in the field of digital trust. This white paper will be published at a breakfast event to be held on Thursday, December 14th, 2023, at the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC) in Luxembourg City, from 9:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., open to all market players interested in the field.

The legal missions concerned are broken down, on one hand, into several activities directly in support of digital trust, namely the supervision of trust service providers (whether qualified or not; Prestataires de services de confiance (qualifiés), or PSC(Q)) in accordance with the European eIDAS regulation, the supervision of providers of digitization or e-archiving services (Prestataires de services de dématérialisation ou de conservation, or PSDC) in accordance with the national law of July 25th, 2015 relative to electronic archiving, and the exercise of the role of National Cybersecurity Certification Authority (NCCA), covering the “supervision” component) in accordance with the European Cybersecurity Act (CSA). The tasks associated are taken on by ILNAS’ Digital Trust department.

On the other hand, ILNAS, in its capacity as Luxembourg’s national standardization organization (Organisme Luxembourgeois de normalisation, or OLN), presents technical standardization in the field of digital trust in another section of this white paper. This field remains fundamental, particularly as an essential source of best practices for the provision of the aforementioned services.

This new ILNAS white paper describes all of these missions for the purpose of informing the market, and specifically so that its actors can benefit from them in the context of their activities. After an introductory chapter, the document is structured as follows:

  • The second chapter reports on PSC(Q) monitoring activities. It serves as an update to the “Trust Services under the eIDAS Regulation” technical report;
  • The third chapter provides an overview of the technical framework with which PSDCs must comply. It thus updates the “An Introduction to the e-Archiving Framework in Luxembourg” technical report;
  • The role of the NCCA (covering the “surveillance” aspect) within the framework of the CSA – a mission attributed to ILNAS in 2021 – is the subject of the fourth chapter; and finally
  • The fifth chapter defines the normative fields of digital trust, highlighting the opportunities for the market to participate in national technical standardization activities.




Note: the event will take place in English.

09:15 – 09:45 – Welcome of the participants

09:45 – 9:50 – Word of welcome and missions of the LHC

Mr. Bertrand Lathoud – LHC

09:50 – 10:00 – Presentation of ILNAS

Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert – ILNAS

10:00 – 10:50 – Presentation of ILNAS’ White Paper Digital Trust 4.0 – Trust-Enabling Missions for the Digital Market

  • Introduction – Mr. Alain Wahl
  • Trust service providers – Jean-François Gillet
  • E-Archiving – Michel Ludwig
  • Cybersecurity Certification – Dr. Jean Lancrenon
  • Technical Standardization – Mr. Nicolas Domenjoud

10:50 – 11:15 – Questions & Answers

11:15 – 11:45 – Networking


Participation is free, but registration is mandatory for this event as seats are limited. We kindly invite you to confirm your attendance by Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 at the latest. In case of cancellation or replacement by another participant, we kindly invite you to inform us by e-mail.

In case of unexcused absence or if a registration is canceled without prior notice within 48 hours before the event, we reserve the right to temporarily deny access to our future events to the individuals concerned.

Please register here: https://breakfast-new-ilnas-white-paper-digital-trust-tickets.eventbrite.com


Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity

122 rue Adolphe Fischer

L-1521 Luxembourg


E-Mail : evenements@ilnas.etat.lu

Tel : (+352) 247 743 – 50

Fax : (+352) 247 943 – 50

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